Bible Reference Library

Answer those difficult questions that kids ask with the insights brought out in these volumes to keep you on top of your game in leading your children closer to Jesus, the answer to all of life’s problems.

Daniel & Revelation

Prophecy revealed! Now you can unlock the secrets of two of the most mysterious books in the Bible. No one ever said Daniel and Revelation were easy to understand, but these books put together the puzzle of their different prophecies so that you can see what God’s plans are for your future.

Desire of Ages

The central figure of human history comes alive in the pages of this classic volume. The life of Jesus Christ is without parallel anywhere. No one else has had such a profound influence on the people of this world. He alone can meet the inexpressible desire in each of our lives for happiness and meaning.

Great Controversy

Read of the battle between God and Satan that has been raging since the beginning of time. This volume starts with the destruction of Jerusalem. After this, you will watch the drama play out through the Dark Ages, the Reformation, and a worldwide religious awakening. 

Keepsake Family Bible

The Keepsake Family Bible is no ordinary Bible—it is a beautiful heirloom that your family will treasure for generations. The words in this sacred book will provide your family members with healing and hope.

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